Institut de l'engagement > La Fondation Dassault Systèmes

The Institut de l’Engagement opens doors and reveals talents

In addition to a the French voluntary involvement program called Civic Service, which targets youngsters aged 16-25 aiming at integration through general interest activities, the Institut de l'Engagement offers young people - who have hence proven their ability to commit - an opportunity to develop their potential, without any social, educational, geographical or cultural restriction. Every year, 700 candidates are dispatched in two classes planned at spring and fall, getting the opportunity to be personally advised on their professional project, or to be guided in resuming their studies, looking for a job or even creating their own business.

Above all, a human contribution

La Fondation Dassault Systèmes has been actively involved in the Institut de l'Engagement's actions since 2019. The human aspect involving Dassault Systèmes employees is characterized by a skills sponsorship program, and remains the most important and valuable factor to the applicants. To summarize concretely, this mainly takes the form of an active and thorough selection of high-potential young people, supplemented by mentoring to assist them while carrying out their project for the future.

Spotting talents through active listening

Identification of this follow-up and mentoring program’s potential beneficiaries requires an in-depth study of each application: these files contain detailed personal development projects (e.g. resumption of studies, business creation, preparation for interviews or a job search…), and are submitted in a perspective of becoming laureates. Two admission sessions gathering more than 2,000 applicants are set up each year. A written assessment then allows a pre-selection of about 1,500 young people, who are invited for a discussion with a selection panel - called jury – thus presenting their project, wishes for the future, and needs. The active listening and support provided in this process stand for both the candidates’ understanding and improvement. After these interviews, 700 successful graduates constitute a class of "Institut de l'Engagement laureates" for the year. The rest of the applicants will still have benefited from the insights and specific attention of professionals and volunteers in this identification phase.

Carrying out a professional project thanks to coaching

For the 700 laureates, admission to the class equals customized support. The Institut de l'Engagement offers and implements a program to assist them while formalizing their professional project and ensures that they are connected with accurate partners - whether they deal with training or with business, for example. Laureates can also be proposed support for future applications, including the drafting of resumes and all types of mandatory documents. Finally yet importantly, tutoring can also be provided, with mentors directly in touch with the laureates. This form of mentoring is an important aspect of La Fondation Dassault Systèmes’ involvement, as it comes with mutual enrichment, which is tremendously important for young people who need guidance in their new professional and training perspectives.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Adopted by all United Nations Member States, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.

La Fondation Dassault Systèmes supports the Institut de l’Engagement’s project, meeting four of these goals: Quality education, Gender equality, Decent work and Economic growth, and Partnerships for the goals.

Institut de l’Engagement - Logo > La Fondation Dassault Systèmes

About our partner

As an opportunity trigger for those who have chosen to commit to general interest, the Institut de l'Engagement enables thousands of young people who were involved in volunteering services to value their commitment, and help them structure their future life project.

With its 350 partners, it offers 700 “laureates”, identified for their potential and the quality of their commitment, individualized support that enables them to bring down the academic, cultural, social, financial or disability-related barriers hampering their future.

The Institute opens its laureates to the major challenges of the world around them, and enables them to have a future that matches their potential. It gives them the keys to carry the values of commitment and citizenship throughout their career.